Memorials & Tributes

When you invest in Scouting, you help create a better world by empowering future leaders. Through Scouting programs, young people learn the value of teamwork, develop problem-solving skills, and cultivate leadership with integrity. Your generous support provides vital resources for innovative programs, outdoor adventures, and mentorship, nurturing confidence and a strong moral compass.

Memorial Gifts

The Las Vegas Area Council gratefully accepts donations made in memory of a loved one. Contributing to the Memorial Fund is a meaningful way to honor a respected friend, family member, or organization. Many families choose to request that donations to the Las Vegas Area Council Memorial Fund be made in lieu of flowers, leaving a lasting legacy in Scouting.

You can leave your legacy at the Donald W. Reynolds Center or at the Engelestad Scout Park on the Jeff & Cynthia Shaw Eagle Scout Plaza.

For more information about making a donation and receiving a commemorative brick in one of our two plazas, click the links below:

DWR Scouting Resource Center Endowment Brochure

Engelstad Scout Park Endowment Brochure

Tribute Gifts

Tribute gifts can also be made to celebrate personal milestones or achievements, such as anniversaries, Eagle Scout, awards, or graduations. Additionally, these gifts can acknowledge the commendable work of an organization or club.

When a Memorial or Tribute Gift is made, the Las Vegas Area Council sends a personal letter to the family of the departed or the individual/organization being honored, informing them that a gift has been made in their name to support local Scouting.

For more information, please contact Patrick Ballinger at