Welcome to the nomination page for the Council Annual Dinner awards! Here, you will find the nomination form for all the prestigious awards that will be presented during this special event. We encourage you to recognize the outstanding contributions of individuals and teams within our community. Please note that all nomination forms must be submitted by November 30, 2024, to ensure that every deserving candidate is considered.
Thank you for participating in this celebration of excellence!
All Nomination Forms are Due November 30, 2024. Please Submit all completed forms to
Quinn Taylor-Chont at Quinn.Taylor-Chont@Scouting.org

Rookie Leader of the Year
For the new Leader or Assistant Leader who has done an outstanding job in their first year. Must be in the position for 1 year to be eligible. Awards will be given in each category, with one winner for each level.
- Cub Scout
- Scouts BSA
- Venturing/Sea Scouts/Exploring

Trailblazer Unit Award
For the new units who has done an outstanding job in their first year. Must be a register unit for 1 year to be eligible. Awards will be given in each category, with one winner for each level.
- Pack
- Troop
- Crew
- Ship

Service to Scouting Award
To honor an adult Scouter who has excelled in their service to Scouting, including Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, or the Council.
For example
[Name] has been with our unit [Unit #] and has been involved in many events over [# of Years] years. They are willing to staff a booth or help in a larger capacity at [event name].
They consistently ask if they can be of assistance and volunteer to help those at events they didn’t originally sign up to help with.
The cheerful spirit of this person is well known and they bring sunshine into the lives of those they help.

Sparkplug Award
For any registered Scouter who has made extra efforts to promote and support the Scouting program at the unit, district, or council level.
For example
This person is always willing to run to council (or the store, or the popcorn booth) to help the unit get things done. Without them the leaders would be lost and opportunities may be lost.
– OR –
it is the little things they do to make the unit function: snacks at den meetings, extra food/juice at outings when someone forgot theirs, or just running up to the store to get ice for the ice chests.

Outstanding Family Award
For the family that has made extra efforts to promote and support the Scouting program.
For example
This family is at every event and is always asking how to help out and make it easier for both the youth and the leaders to have a great experience.
From providing transportation at the last minute, to running to store to get more snacks/food for an event, to helping insure everyone is well prepared
For whatever we are doing. They are the glue that helps hold the unit together.

Leader of the Year Award
For the outstanding Cubmaster or Scoutmaster in the Council with two or more years of service. Awards may be given in each category.
- Cubmaster
- Scoutmaster
- Advisor

District Award of Merit
Available to registered Scouters who provide exceptional service at the district level. This award is presented to adult volunteers by districts, similar to how the Silver Beaver is given by councils.
Please do not nominate anyone who has already received this award. Use the District Award of Merit Application.
- River Mountain
- North
- West
- South
- Outreach

Venturing Leadership Award
In order to recognize Venturers and Venturing Advisors who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing and who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law, councils, territories, and the BSA National Council may present individuals with the Venturing Leadership Award.

Sea Scout Leadership Award
The Sea Scout Leadership Award is presented to deserving Sea Scout youth members and Scouters who made exceptional contributions to Sea Scouting at the National, Council Service Territory (CST), and Council level and who exemplify the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Sea Scout Promise.

Silver Beaver Award
The Silver Beaver Award is the highest award a local council can bestow on a volunteer. it is a distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Upon nomination by their local Scout council and with the approval of the National Court of Honor, recipients of this award are registered adult leaders who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given to the council. The Silver Beaver is an award given to those who implement the Scouting program and perform community service through hard work, self-sacrifice, dedication, and many years of service. It is given to those who do not actively seek it.
Please make all nominations for Silver Beavers on the Silver Beaver page linked below.

NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award
The NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA) was created to recognize notable Eagle Scouts who had either performed distinguished service at the local, state, or regional level or who were known nationally, but had not yet met the 25-year tenure as an Eagle for the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award. Often, worthy candidates for the NOESA have inspired others through their actions and have devoted a lifetime to their profession, avocation, community, and beliefs, at great sacrifice to themselves and their families.
How to get the award
- The nominee must be an Eagle Scout in good standing with the Boy Scouts of America and must either be registered with or have their primary residence within the boundaries of the nominating council.
- No length of time is required to have passed since earning the Eagle Rank.
- The council should retain the actions and accomplishments that led the nominee to be considered for the award, although it is not required to include with the nomination form submitted to the National Eagle Scout Association.
- Nominations must be sent to the National Eagle Scout Association by the council (an individual may not submit the form) for consideration. Those selected will be added to the list of NESA Outstanding Eagle Scouts, quarterly.

North Star Award
This award is for non-Scouters. Councils, areas, regions, and national may use this new award to recognize individuals for significant contributions such as contributing land for a new service center or for the CPA who has served the council for years or for use at a Distinguished Citizen Awards program. This award is on par with the Silver Beaver which recognizes registered Scouters for their distinguished service. An individual who was previously registered with the BSA but is currently not registered is eligible to receive this award. However, any contributions made as a registered Scouter cannot and must not be considered. Only those contributions made as a non-Scouter may be considered for the North Star Award.